CV - Turid Gyllenhammar
Born 1957 in Tønsberg, Norway. Lives and works in Nøtterøy and Bærum, Norway, and Pietrasanta, Italy.
Atelier Gyllenhammar, Agerup Gård, Berganveien 280, 3138 Skallestad, Norway
Atelier Vøyenenga, Ringeriksveien 175, 1339 Sandvika
Tlf: +47 924 924 28
MRBS – Royal British Society of Sculptors
NBK – Association of Norwegian Visual Artists / Norske Billedkunstnere
VBK – Association of Visual Artists Vestfold County / Vestfold Bildende Kunstnere
TF – Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists / Tegneforbundet
NK - The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts / Norske kunsthåndverkere Sørøst Norge
Deputy Chairman, Association Visual Artist Vestfold County 2015-
Deputy Member of the Supervisory Board Regional Exhibition Counsel “Østlandsutstillingen” 2013-
2018 Royal Society of Sculptors Summer Show, London, UK. Sculptures Keara, Lorella and Adele
2017 Berger Art Museum, Kunst Rett Vest, Marble Sculpture “Inger”
2017 Berger Art Museum, Kunst Rett Vest, Marble Sculpture “Inger”
2017 Bærum Town Hall, Marble Sculpture “Adele”
2016 Bærum House of Culture, Kunst Rett Vest, Bronze Sculpture “Maren”
2016, 2015 Romeriksutstillingen, Bronze Sculpture “Adele”
2016 Dikemark, Kunst Rett Vest, Collection of Embroideries “Refugees”
2015 Hennie Onstad Art Museum, Kunst Rett Vest, Alabast Sculpture “Life”
2014 Fossekleiva Art Museum & Berger Museum, Marble Sculpture “Vår”
2008, 2009 Biennalen for Artwork of Eastern Norway, Embroideries on Sails
2008 St. Annen Museum & Kunsthalle, Lübeck, Germany, Embroideries on Sails
2018 Nuova Vita / Nytt Liv, Atelier Gyllenhammar, Tønsberg, Norway
2018 Nuova Vita / Nytt Liv, Sala della Grasce, Pietrasanta, Italy
2016 Bærum Municipality various Institutions, “Den Kulturelle Spaserstokken” 11 solo exhibitions
2018 Nuova Vita / Nytt Liv, Sala della Grasce, Pietrasanta, Italy
2016 Bærum Municipality various Institutions, “Den Kulturelle Spaserstokken” 11 solo exhibitions
2015 Nøtterøy Church/Vestfold BishopShip: “Se min Kjole”, curated baptist dress exhibition
2015 Bærum House of Culture: “Menneskeverd og Kvinneverd” Embroideries & Fotos (Breast cancer Project)
2014 Bærum Town Hall, Embroideries on 8 Sails
2012 Sandefjord House of Culture “Menneskeverd og Kvinneverd” Embroideries & Fotos
2012 University of Vestfold “Menneskeverd og Kvinneverd” Embroideries & Fotos
2011 Albin Up – Paintings
2010 Nøtterøy House of Culture - Paintings
2008 Haugar Museum Restaurant – Paintings
2007, 2006, 2004, 2001, 1999, 1997 Gallery Skallum, Bærum, Paintings
2003 Ål House of Culture - Paintings
2002 Holmsbu Billedgallery - Paintings
1997 Gallery Hovde Asker – Paintings
1979 Tønsberg Kreditkassen, drawings from Caribbean
1971 Tønsberg Mini Gallery – Paintings
2014 – Published and Edited Book “Tiden det tar”, an Art book presenting the concept of Embroideries made by Turid Gyllenhammar
2017, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 Vestfold Art Centre, Tønsberg, juried Summer Exhibitions, Sculptures, Embroideries, Paintings
2017 Marienborg, Holmestrand, Summer Exhibition, Embroideries on Sail and Canvas
2016 Nesodden Art Association, curated and juried Exhibition “Waterways”, Embroideries on 5 Sails
2016, 2015, 2014, 2009 Vestfold Art Centre, Tønsberg, juried Christmas Exhibitions
2015 Bærum Town Hall, Paintings
2014 Sant`Augostino, Pietrasanta, Homo Fabre, Sculptures representing Studio Sem
2014, 2009 Oslo Open, Fotos and Embroideries on Sails
2013 Vulkan Gallery Oslo, “Knitting and Embroideries” Embroideries and Fotos
2013 Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists, Oslo, Drawing with Needle - Embroideries
2013 Verdens Ende Art Association, Tjøme, Paintings
2012 PopUp Gallery Sandefjord, Sculptures and Embroideries
2012 Kunstland, Søndre Land, with Markus Brendmoe, Embroideries
2011 Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists, Oslo, Paintings
2011, 2010 Atelier Gyllenhammar, Tønsberg, Paintings
2008 Atelier Gyllenhammar, Tønsberg, Paintings together with Øksendal, Nerli, Berg, Kuhn
2007 Graduate Exhibition DTK Institute for Creative Art College, Bærum, Paintings
2000 Jølster Art Gallery West Norway, Paintings
Statoil ASA, Norgesgruppen Asko ASA, Zeiner Group AS, PRE Management AS, Jotun Group ASA, Kikut AS, Bærum Municipality.
2018 - Solo exhibitions, 20-30 Sculptures and Embroideries planned in Oslo, London, Italy
2015 – Studio Sem, Pietrasanta, Sculpture Concept “New Life”. 30 Sculptures in various Marble and stones from all over the world (please see Bio)
2017 Berger Art Museum, Kunst Rett Vest, Marble Sculpture “Inger”
2017 Bærum Town House, Marble Sculpture TBA
2012 - Studio Sem, Pietrasanta, Italy
2008 University of Vestfold, Sculpturing in Larvikitt Granite
2006 University of Bergen, Art History
2003 – 2007 DTK Institute for Creative Art College, Bærum 3 Years full time studies – Graduate Level
1977 Tønsberg Design and Art College, Dress and Costumes.
1986 – 2000 Student of various professional artist (Markus Brendmoe, Anne Katrine Berg, Rolf Nerli)
1986 – Various work shops and projects in Norway, Italy, Spain and Portugal.